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Print On Demand | digital book printing

We have a large network of computers, servers, and printers that produce books with astonishing quality and speed. Unlike offset printing, using "print on demand" technology, we can print very low quantities of books at very reasonable prices. Publishers need only provide us with camera ready artwork along with a 1-time setup fee ($200). We will ship a physical proof book in 7-10 business days from receipt of your book. Once approved, we will print any desired number of books, and ship them within 5-7 working days for most orders. (Orders over 200 may take longer).

CD manufacturing | CD included with your book

We are now able to manufacture CDs for inclusion in the back of your book for an additional setup cost of $100. This CD can be practically anything. It can be a data CD containing maps or pictures or text files or PDFs, or virtually any kind of computer file. For example, if you have a how to book, you can include lesson plans in PDF format. Or if you have travel book it can include images of maps. Or if you are a photographer, you can include a CD of hi-res, full color pictures. Let your imagination explore the possibilities that work best for your book.

Or it can be an audio CD containing music that you own the rights to. Or it can be an audio book with spoken narration; a mini audio book. We have partnered with AudioBrite, the premium audio recording service for publishers. They provide us with narrated recordings that can include music, the narrator, the audio editing, audio proofing, and mastering. Our special arrangement with them allows us to provide you with a great value. A full CD of recorded narration, including music and a spoken introduction at the beginning and end of the program starts at only 500 dollars.

The possibilities are endless!

More information on Print on Demand books or CD in a book manufacturing

More information on Audio Book recording and production or audio CD manufacturing

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